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Devesh Chauhan

1 Follower0 Following

Hey there, I’m Devesh Kumar. Born in Uttar Pradesh and received my early education there. Later I completed my 10th and 12th grades in Gujarat and then graduated in Madhya Pradesh. In 2014, I graduated with a degree in Computer Science from Rajiv Gandhi Technical University. Currently, I am pursuing my job in Ahmedabad. When I am not busy with my IT profession, you will find me enjoying my hobbies. My hobbies include traveling, playing volleyball, and swimming. I have a strong affection for religious sites, spirituality, beaches, adventure, forests, and mountains. I also enjoy contributing to Wikipedia and Tripoto. Over the years, I have explored various states and Union Territories in India. I have been attracted by the diversity that our magnificent country has to offer, from the calm landscapes of Uttarakhand and Madhya Pradesh to the colorful cultures of Rajasthan and Gujarat, and from the coastal splendor of Goa to the gorgeous hills of Himachal Pradesh and Karnataka. Visit my website to learn more about my amazing trips. Here, I post my experiences and stories in both English and Hindi.

Nikita Karia

1 Follower0 Following

Exploring hidden gems of India’s royal cities like Udaipur sparked my intense passion for travel at a young age. Since then, wanderlust has been the central theme of my life! I have explored the Colorful Streets of Bo-Kaap in Cape Town, stayed in a water villa in the Maldives, and been on the Singapore flyer. Armed with passion and an impressive academic background in tourism, I left the corporate travel world to focus on what I truly love—writing practical, first-hand guides that take readers with me across fascinating destinations near and far. And when I am not out there, living my best travel life, you can find me creating content that will tempt you to travel or collaborating with leading travel agencies like Flamingo Travels. Through my words, travel pics, and tips, I charm readers to embrace our beautiful world one adventure at a time.

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